This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Benelux Chamber of Commerce Shanghai events.

Greater competition and choice requires longer, global supply chains, and with this comes greater complexity, greater risk, and the potential for damage to a brand's reputation. For a proactive business, however, it also represents an opportunity to enhance their reputation and build consumer trust. There is a profound transformation taking place in modern business.

Consumers are no longer placid; they are well-informed and have the means to actively find products that conform to their expectations regarding quality, price, and their philosophies concerning sustainability and social responsibility. Brands that fail to meet these expectations risk reputation damage and loss of consumer trust.

Authorities are also demanding greater accountability, making brands and retailers answerable for the actions of economic operators along their supply chain. They require assurances that a product is safe at every stage of its supply chain and complies with relevant regulations regarding sustainability and social responsibility.

Please join us for this joint BenCham / Nordic Supply Chain event and learn more about effective, efficient and secure solutions for businesses looking to monitor online and mitigate against the risks inherent in modern supply chains.


Found 158, B1/F, 158 Julu Lu, near Ruijin Yi Lu, Shanghai,
巨鹿路158号B1楼, 近瑞金一路

Shanghai, China

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