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Join us together with Moore - MS Advisory!

On Thursday, August 3 at 6pm, we would like to invite you to the Moove Logistics office for our yearly Sino Benelux Business Survey event.

Brian Blömer, Partner at Moore - MS Advisory will share with us the results of the 2023 Sino Benelux Business Survey. The purpose of the Sino Benelux Business Survey is to provide startups, SMEs and multinational businesses with information on emerging trends and the business climate in China. Additionally, the survey seeks to analyze the current market situation with aims to provide businesses with conclusive knowledge to make more informed business decisions.

The presentation will be interactive so you will have the opportunity to share your opinion.

After the presentation of the results of the survey, there will be the opportunity to network with a drink and some finger food.

Date: Thursday, August 3 at 6pm

Location: Moov Logistics Shanghai568 HengFeng Road, 21st Floor


Tickets: Members RMB 75 / Benelux University Alumni Members 90 RMB / Non-members RMB 200

The Sino Benelux Business Survey is organized by the Benelux Chamber of Commerce North China | Beijing, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce East China | Shanghai and the Benelux Chamber of Commerce | South China, and is supported by Moore - MS Advisory.

See you then!


Karel Eloot

Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company

Brian Blomer

Partner at Moore - MS Advisory


Moov Logistics Shanghai HQ
568 HengFeng Road, 21st Floor, Shanghai


See route

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