This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Benelux Chamber of Commerce Shanghai events.

Event held in Chinese 中文活动

The Benelux Chamber and BIPO invite you to a breakfast to enlighten any questions you may have while bringing your Chinese business to Benelux/ overseas on a legal, HR and administrative perspective.

BIPO will present their administrative and legal landing services.

For this occasion, Opple (BIPO's client) and Alibaba Cloud (Benelux Chamber member) will demonstrate challenges they faced through their experience of bringing their business overseas/ to Benelux, it also includes virus' challenges.




​Who should join?

  • Attendees who are able to understand Chinese so they can get all the takeaway insights from this event
  • Companies who wish to develop their business to Benelux
  • Entrepreneurs who are considering implementing their business overseas
  • Senior executives & business development peers


  • 参加者应该能听懂中文,以便可以理解活动所分享的观点
  • 希望在荷比卢地区发展业务的公司
  • 考虑在海外建立公司的创业者
  • 高级行政和业务发展人员


BIPO Shanghai Office
3F, OOCL Plaza, No. 841 Middle Yan An Road
Shanghai, China

turn left when you go out of the elevator

See route

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