This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Benelux Chamber of Commerce Shanghai events.

AustCham Shanghai and BritCham Shanghai, in partnership with Benelux Chamber, Colombia Chamber, German Chamber and the Irish Chamber, are hosting a joint mixer in Hangzhou City on Friday, 18th August at Hotel Indigo Hangzhou Uptown.

Enjoy the fantastic mid-summer night together and meet with old & new friends of the community.

This is a perfect opportunity for international communities in Hangzhou and surrounding areas to meet face-to-face, to discuss opportunities, recent experiences, and future outlooks.

This is in line with the continued effort from AustCham Shanghai to rebuild ties with members, government, and partners in Hangzhou and the Yangtze Delta region. AustCham Shanghai continues to develop and seek opportunities and activities across Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province.

Entry into the Hangzhou mixer includes dinner and two drinks, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Tickets inlcude 2 drinks and dinner!


Me Garden 派对花园
派对花园,酒店B1层,杭州上城英迪格酒店 杭州市上城区水澄北路8号

See route

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