This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Benelux Chamber of Commerce Shanghai events.
Ghent University Alumni Network - Chapter Shanghai, invites you together with Sinnolabs & BenCham Shanghai to the Research Innovation seminar held on the 28th of April.

At the occasion of the visit of Prof. Luc Taerwe, Director China Platform and Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Dr. Wim Van Camp, General Manager of Ghent University TechTransfer Office and ir. Johan Bil, Manager of Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, the Ghent University Alumni Network – Shanghai Chapter is happy to cordially invite you to a seminar on Saturday 28 April 2018 from 4:00 until 7:00 pm in the Shanghai Regal International East Asia Hotel, 516 Hengshan Road, Shanghai.

After a presentation about the research innovation activities at Ghent University and the vibrant Ghent High-Tech startup and Science Park scene, a networking reception will be organized, allowing ample time for discussions about investment opportunities and co-operation possibilities with Ghent University and the Ghent High-Tech community.
The event provides a networking opportunity for people with a Benelux affiliation, who are active in the business sector and in industrial activities in China together with Ghent University alumni both from China and Belgium.

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Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.


Regal International East Asia Hotel
Hengshan road 516
Shanghai, China

See route

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