Supported by BenCham, EU Sino is organizing a panel discussion on how companies select locations for production sites in China, followed by a discussion on the different China Development zones, and why not all development zones are equal. We will be joined by a motivated group of people to discuss two topics, which for sure will be talked about long after. Each panel will consist of 5 specialists with mixed backgrounds.
1. "How do companies select their operational sites?"
It is striking to us to see how different decision processes companies adopt when they select industrial or office sites. In some cases, this leads them to miss important points or interesting opportunities. Academic studies and empirical surveys list a few top criteria such as access to skilled HR, proximity of a market and specific clients, presence of suppliers and service providers, general infrastructure. But it is also clear that the industrial landscape is changing fast in China and requirements evolve as well. What other aspects are increasingly important to companies? This panel is about understanding how companies of different types select their location now compared to the past.
2. "How China's Development Zones differ from each other?"
China has embarked on a large scale reorientation of its industry toward more productive, innovative and sustainable sectors. This is showed in the stated objectives of most economic and technological development zones across the country. But not all zones were created equal. Whether it is because of the existing infrastructure and installed base, the type of vision of the local government, or the approach that the local authorities takes to running the zone: what works for one company in one zone may or may not works for another one. This panel is about understanding what makes zones different and how to evaluate how it fits each company's requirements.